May 15 2015
The Orthocentre hosted an engaging seminar entitled ‘Orthopaedic Talks’ at the Hazelhurst Gallery, Gymea attended by 65 practitioners including local physiotherapists, exercise physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths. Presenting was the Orthocentre surgeons Dr Alan Turnbull, Dr Michael Dixon, Dr John Trantalis, Dr Anthony Leong and Dr Jai Sungaran.
With topics including; Knee Stability presented by Dr Michael Dixon, Shoulder Stability presented by Dr John Trantalis, Assessment of the non-arthritic hip presented by Dr Anthony Leong, Finger injuries in Sport presented by Dr Jai Sungararan and an interactive quiz hosted by Dr Allen Turnbull the event received glowing feedback from the attendees with comments complimenting the informative presentations.
The Orthocentre hosts regular education evenings- for information on upcoming events please call 02 9525-2055.
Last changed: May 15 2015